Styled Spaces: Recessed Media Area, Living Room

Recessed Media Area, Living Room - Terrace Townhome, Inner West Sydney NSW
Brief: Owners wanted to utilise the recessed space in their living room to a functional area for television, dvd player, to hide dvds, videos and magazines, as well as display favourite pieces - but at the same time still tie the space into the living room area.

On a wall facing the Kitchen and punctuating the end of the media recess, the owner's grandmother gave this 'Willow style' blue & white tea towel as a house warming gift, rather than use it for drying plates, preserving it as a warmer memory and a piece of art was a far better idea, by mounting it in a simple frame. The frame is stained with Japanese black, and oiled, this colour stain was chosen to tie the other larger framed pieces in the living room together, and allowing the framed plated below to stand on their own in the recess space.

Owner's Treasures - hand painted plates from Fez, Morocco.

Owner's Treasures - Making art pieces from hand painted plates from Fez, Morocco were mounted and framed in shadow boxes on the feature painted recess.

The recessed walls - back and two sides are painted in British Paints 'Jarvis Blue'.
The ceiling of the recessed area was intentionally left as the wall colour Taubmans 'White Canvas' to visually take advantage of the recess and creating a real depth of space and a darker/ theatre-like viewing area for the television.

The owners wanted to avoid where possible have specific custom made furniture for this area, so the sourced ready-made white pigeon hole style buffet unit is the perfect dimension for length and breadth for this space. The unit stands the television, set top boxes and dvd players, and displays serving bowls, whilst also housing magazines, dvds and video tapes tucked away neatly in the wicker baskets. A small frosted glass lamp provides ambient lighting when the television is not in use.

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